Wednesday, 20 March 2013

What is Managers Adda?

The creation of 'The Managers Adda' has a simple inspiration behind it. It is nothing like that of a heroic tale, nothing different, but yes in its unique way it carries tremendous potential to influence, shape an individual's heart and mind.It is an effort to bring people together, make them share their stories, ideas, experiences under the same roof. It is as simple as that. Like every initiative, the idea dawned over a friend's head while sipping tea at the famous night canteen @ IIMU. Why not start-up a thing at the hostel room where people can come down, sit down informally and discuss things over a particular theme in presence of a guest speaker invited through video chat. Thus began 'The Managers Adda' with a mission to provide platform to help people interact, dream, share and act over a chosen theme. 

Thank You,
The Managers Adda,
IIM Udaipur. 

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